The Factory

How the Eggs are made.

Our Factory Facility is home to the finest production line for Edgy Eggs. From eyes to arms, hats and shell repair, our DNA specialists carefully curate each item.

Not every egg has perfect DNA, so some may come out...somewhat broken. But for the future of Edgy Eggs, broken doesn't mean out. For you see, in order to survive the hellish landscape of entering the world as an Egg, sometimes you need an edge to win. And for some of these Eggs, that edge is what makes them dangerous...

Others, you may not have any idea what they are thinking. They too should be watched carefully...

WARNING: Be careful of the glass hands hidden eye gang! We are unaware of how many members they control and how far the eye sees, but they should not be approached for fear of assimilation to their cult.

  • Key identifiers should be glass hands and their controlling eye.

However, be warned some can easily hide their attributes and may go unnoticed until it is too late.

Please inform the factory of any you find that you suspect to be from the gang and we will destroy them before their evil spreads. DO NOT be tempted to harbour them in hopes to receive a reward for their rare traits and future battle hardiness in Egg War.

We have listed a few images we captured below, known suspects should be reported immediately.

Last updated